Thursday, December 1, 2016

Spring Observations

Gilmore Girls Spring Episode Spoilers coming:
Scroll by now if you haven't viewed it!
Here are some things I loved/hated/noticed/caused me to gasp on Spring!

~International Food Festival in Stars Hallow?!?! How do I attend?
~Kirk's realization of eating pork...
~Logan and Rory...again...WHAT THE CRAP is this??
~Mitchum Huntzberger...the brief, yet powerful presence.
~Stars Hallow lacking in gays. Seems hard for me (and the town's people) to believe. And the neighboring towns refusing to "lend their gays".
~Trying to get Taylor to come out of the closet.
~ The "Secret Bar" that the whole town has successfully hidden from Taylor, and Babette of all people almost blabs it.
~Liz and TJ accidentally joining a Vegetable Cult...Seems right, yet I'm confused...What exactly is a "vegetable cult"? I'm intrigued, yet don't want to know...
~Paul Anka dreams return! "The REAL Paul Anka!"
~"Someone's been on the Google Box"
~ I want to know if there is more to "the letter" that Emily claims Lorelei sent on her birthday.
~A Second Film by Kirk!!!!! Even worse than the first...
~ "I'm starting an empire. Actually that word was in there, in big, bold letters."
~Paris still scaring everyone at Chilton, and critiquing where her money is going.
~The therapist needed a break from Emily and Lorelei...and just started smoking again
~If Paris says the word "sperm" again...
~Love the "circle of life" theme throughout. Rory back at Chilton advising kids.
~Francie's reappearance. Eeeeeeeee.... "Did I accidentally step into 2003?"
~I would have liked to see Lorelei and Headmaster Charleston go at it again...
~I wonder where Max is?
~Paris' kids are adorable?!
~Doyle and Paris' arguments are still amazing...the stairs...hahaha!
~This Rory-Logan thing...driving me crazy...
~Lorelei talking about Richard's death... another sob session. 
~A Parenthood star appearance! Lorelei (or should I say Sarah?) dropping her Parenthood daughter a line!
~"I slept with a Wookie."
~I hate Sandee...
~Also not fond of Rory's lucky dress...

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