Friday, July 6, 2012

Psalm 139:14 Collage

This is a GREAT activity to do with teenage girls! I used to unify my cabins of girls together as a camp counselor with this activity.

 (Example of my simple collage - you can definitely do more!)

All you need is:
Colored letter-sized paper
Glue stick
Magazines (appropriate)

Have girls chose whatever color paper they want. Have them write in the middle of their sheet (leaving room around the edges for cut-outs)

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful; I know that full well." - Psalm 139: 14 (NLT)

From there, give your girls time to look through and cut out things they like, or that help explain who they are. Have them glue their cut-outs around the verse they wrote on their sheets.
I had each girl hang up their collage by their bunks and told them it was a reminder that God created us all differently and beautifully. This is a great activity to remind us about acceptance of each others' differences.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm co-teaching a spiritual art journal class for middle school girls this fall (in a home-schooling co-op). In searching for an art project around Ps. 139 I found your page. Great example! Thank you!!!